
 Principal                                      Prof. George Chemining'wa

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The Office of the Principal is headed by a Principal who is the Chief Executive Officer of the University College and is appointed by the University College Council with the concurrence of the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education.

The Principal is answerable to the Turkana University College (TUC) Council for the overall management of the University College and is the Chairperson of the University College Management Board (UCMB) and the University College Academic Board (UCAB).

The Departments under the jurisdiction of the Principal are: Security, Procurement, Internal Audit, Quality Assurance and Standards, Legal Office and Public Relations.


According to Turkana University College Statute V, the Principal has the following responsibilities:

1. The executive academic and administrative head of the University College and, as such, is responsible to the Council for maintaining and promoting the efficiency and good order of the University College. In this respect, the Principal may take intervention measures pending Council and UCAB action.

2. A member of every Committee established by the Council or Academic Board.

3. The overall academic and administrative head of the University College and is the accounting officer of the University College.

4. Responsible for implementation of policy matters, planning, coordination, public relations, security, audit, fundraising and general development of the University College.

5. The Principal has such other powers and duties as may be conferred by the Council in accordance with the Legal Notice.

6. The Principal may assign or delegate any duties of office to a Committee or to a member of the University College staff and may withdraw any such assignment or delegation at any time.

7. Any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Council from time to time.