Directorate of Postgraduate Studies


Dr. Miriti Gervasio

Ag. Director Postgraduate Studies

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On behalf of the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, I take this opportunity to welcome you to Turkana University College. The Directorate of Postgraduate Studies of Turkana University College (TUC) is committed in executing its mandate. The Directorate strives to provide quality services to its postgraduate students by ensuring that their needs are addressed expeditiously. The Directorate is always keen on the supervision process in an endeavor to guarantee our students timely completion of their studies. The Directorate is coordinated by the Postgraduate Board that was established in accordance with TUC statutes and performs the following duties:

  1. Approval of requests for the suspension of registration or the continuation of registration in cases where candidates are unable to complete the degrees within the maximum prescribed period
  2.  Consider Appeals relating to admission and re-admission to master’s and doctoral research
  3. Approval of the admission of candidates
  4. Approval of supervisors/promoters and co-supervisors/co-promoters
  5. Approval of internal and external examiners
  6. Approval of proposals and Theses
  7. Approval and review of curricula
  8. Approval of publications from Theses
  9. Mobilization of scholarships
  10. Approval of postgraduate awards based on merit
  11. Review and amend postgraduate rules and policies
  12. Approval of graduation list for the postgraduate students

Currently, the Directorate has a good number of students pursuing their masters’ degrees in the following areas of specialization:

  1. Master of Arts in Development Studies under the School of Education and Social Sciences,
  2. Master of Business Administration (MBA) under the School of Business and Economics
  3. Masters in Public Administration and Management (MPAM) under the School of Business and Economics
  4. Masters in Evolutionary Biology under the school of Science and Technology.
  5. Master of Science in Public Health under the school of Science and Technology.

 The University College is working on rolling out  more masters and doctorial programs.