Welcome to the Directorate of Research, Partnerships and Collaborations


Dr. Evelyne Kanus

Director Research, Partnerships and Collaborations


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The Directorate of Research, Partnerships and Collaborations is established within the division of Academic and Student Affairs (ASA). The mandates of the directorate include among other responsibilities the following:

 Overall administration of the research policy

 Identifying and circulating sources of research funding opportunities and bringing the same to the attention of the researchers

 Compiling a database in response to calls for proposals made by various grant organizations  Promoting knowledge and skills dissemination to meet the needs of the university college, community and industry

 Enhancing the profile of TUC through quality publications, research citations and awards

 Creating and maintaining partnerships and collaborations locally and internationally for research and innovation programmes

 Provision of a structure and framework for continued improvement of research and innovation CORE VALUES

The directorate operates on the core values listed below:

 Integrity

 Team Work

 Customer Focus

 Sustainability

 Excellence
