Directorate of Income Generating Unit


Dr. Tioko Logiron,PhD
Director Income Generation Units (IGU)

The provision of quality products and services is significantly dependent on resource mobilization. Key among these resources is finances. The inadequate funding of universities has had negative effects on teaching, research and student’s welfare. Turkana University College has developed necessary infrastructure and policy frameworks to support the resource mobilization initiatives. Turkana University College has identified Income Generating Units as key strategic option to subsidize financing of the University’s programmes and other activities through Income Generating Units (IGUs). This has made it necessary for Turkana University College to consolidate income generating activities under the Directorate of Income Generation. The directorate employs various strategies in mobilizing the funds required to supplement the running of its programs and activities. The strategies include: enterprising departments, commercializing underutilized sections, commercializing innovations and creating strategic partnerships with local, national government and international agencies. The university management provides leadership in income generation stewardship and establishment of partnerships with commercial organizations, international funding agencies and donors to mobilize funds.

Mandates of the Directorate include the following amongst others:

1. Advising and coordinating Income Generating Activities (IGA) programmes in the University

2. Carrying out research to identify IGA opportunities for the University

3. Initiating policies, strategies and plans for mobilizing resources

4. Coordinating short term professional courses for IGAs

5. Nurturing consultancies within the University for income generation

6. Promoting partnerships and Collaborations with the County Government departments and non-state actors working in the County as part of resource mobilization