Directorate of Quality Assurance


Dr. Evans Otieno

Director Quality Assurance

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The University College envisages to be a globally esteemed University in teaching, Research and outreach by generating, preserving, utilizing and disseminating knowledge for advancement of humanity. The Directorate of Quality Assurance (DQA) plays a key role of safeguarding and guaranteeing the standards and quality of the University’s educational provisions. The Quality Assurance System is predicated upon cooperation between the University’s academic and administrative units in line with University College Statute, TUC Strategic Plan, CUE and ISO standards.

Core mandate

The mandate of Directorate of Quality Assurance is to monitor, evaluate and maintain oversight of the quality and standards of teaching, research, student learning experience, and service to the community. The directorate further ensures that all internal quality assurance mechanisms are conducted in line with the provisions of, Turkana University College Legal Notice and Statutes, The Universities Act of 2012, CUE’s Universities Regulations of 2014, and the principles and guidelines for quality assurance in Higher Education in East Africa as provided by the Inter-University Council of East Africa (IUCEA).

Strategic objectives of the Directorate

 To continuously monitor the quality of teaching at delivery points;

 To facilitate self-assessment of all academic programmes.

 To coordinate external assessment, self-assessment and emerging quality assurance issues of academic programmes

 To act as a Liaison Office between the University and external bodies on matters related to Quality Assurance;  To coordinate the functioning of all the Committees of Quality Assurance;

 To make appropriate recommendations to the Management and the University College Academic Board on issues related to Quality Assurance

The Directorate shall have such other powers and functions as may be assigned or delegated to it by University College Management Board and University College Academic Board. The Directorate has put in place the following initiatives to ensure internal quality checks:

i. Introduction of the teaching tracking forms to check on teaching by both regular and part-time lecturers and ensure compliance through regular audits of the teaching process.

ii. Introduction of Class Attendance Record forms to ensure that attendance to classes by students is accurately captured and analysis done at the end of the semester to determine students’ eligibility to sit for examinations. iii. Introduction and enforcement of Class Make-up Records to ensure that the lecturers compensate for the classes they miss.

iv. Facilitating the training of Deans and Academic Heads of Departments and lecturers on how to conduct Program Self-Assessment.

v. Coordinating and overseeing Program Self-Assessment in Departments.

vi. Collating and analyzing reports from External Examiners for discussion in the Deans Committee and the University College Academic board

vii. Conducting Course and Lecturer Evaluation to determine the quality of instruction students receive in the different programs offered by the university.

viii. Participation in curriculum development and review to ensure that this is done according to the procedures and guidelines by the Commission for University Education.

ix. Conducting Student Exit Surveys to receive feedback from the graduands regarding the program studied, services offered, support services, and facilities offered by the university during their course of study. The data collected is analyzed and a report is presented to the University College Management Board and University College Academic Board to make decisions on improvements.

On behalf of the Directorate, I wish to appreciate the University Council, the University College Management Board, the University College Academic board, Deans of Schools, Directors, Heads of Departments, students and all staff for their immense support in ensuring that the Directorate renders its service of ensuring that high-quality standards at Turkana University College are maintained.