Prof. Clifford G. Machogu is specialized in finance. He holds a Ph.D (Dr.B.R Ambedkar University, 2004),  M.Com(Dr. B.R Ambedkar University, 2001), and a B.Com- First Class Honours (Dr.B.R Ambedkar University, 1999).

Prof. Machogu joined the Faculty of Business Administration, St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza as a Lecturer from 2007 to 2011, School of Business and Economics, University of Kabianga, Kericho as a Senior Lecturer from 2012 to 2014, and School of Business and Economics, Murang'a University of Technology, Murang’a as Associate Professor from 2015.  

In addition to the teaching duties and scholarship journey, Prof. Machogu has had opportunities to serve in academic management and leadership in various capacities at St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza coordinating MBA academic activities 2008-2010),  University of Kabianga, Head, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics (2012-2014) Murang’a University of Technology as the Chairman, Department of Commerce(2015-2016), Dean, School of Business and Economics, Ag Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration, Finance, Planning and Development (January- June 2017).

Prof. Machogu is well versed with university management processes through the rich experience he has acquired while serving in various committees. At Murangá University of Technolgy, he has served as the  Chairman, Promotion and Appraisal Committee (PAC)-2016-2021, Chairman, Market Survey Committee(2017-2019), Chairman, Enterprises Committee, Chairman, Online Examination Committee( 2020-February 2021), Member, Budget Committee 2017- February 202, Coopted Member, University Management Board(2019-February 2021), Member University Quality Assurance Committee(2018- February 2021) Member of Senate 2016- 2021, Member, Deans Committee (2015-2021)Chairman, School of Business and Economics Board, Member, Graduation Committee 2017-2021. At the University of Kabianga, He has served as Member, Senate, Chairman, Part-time teaching Policy 2013, Member, School of Business and Economics Board.


Prof. Machogu has supervised to completion 2 Ph.D. students and over 100 Masters students in business and many more are ongoing.