Finance Section

Turkana University College Finance Department strives for a combination of good practice, stewardship and forward projection to provide the financial resources needed. Its aim is to provide sustainable operations and the ability to invest in initiatives consistent with TUC's mission.

TUC finance department is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the implementation of the financial policies as per the Public Finance Management Act, 2012, National Treasury Circulars, Public Sector Accounting Standards Board templates and the development of infrastructure.  The department has continually spearheaded various activities aimed at enabling the University College to achieve its Mission of providing quality education, training, research and innovation.

The department is committed to implementing appropriate Finance Management Policies and procedures in conformity with the Constitution of Kenya and relevant laws. To ensure efficient operations, the University College prioritizes its activities in relation to available financial resources. Effective management of such resources is of paramount importance to the success of the University College’s strategies.

Focus areas of TUC's financial plan

  • Education – teaching and scholarship
  • Research
  • Staff and student welfare
  • Investment income and financing expenditure
  • Capital expenditure
  • Capital structure and financing
  • Cash-flow planning.
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