Turkana University College held a colorful three days cultural festival from 3rd to 5th March 2022. During the event, students, staff and members from the community displayed different cultures in form of Folksongs, African cuisine, DJ Competition, Mr. and Miss TUC Cultural attire walk amongst others.
During the event, the University Principal Prof. George Chemining’wa stated that Turkana University College is committed to celebrating and recognizing traditions, history and significant contributor of adverse cultures. He equally noted that, as part of this celebration of diversity and cohesion, the cultural programs showcased is an initiative to educate the public, unite and inspire the community, enrich the overall campus experience among students, faculty, staff, alumni and the surrounding.
Mr. Alex Flemings Losikiria, the CEC for Tourism, culture, Environment, Energy, minerals and Natural Resources asked the management of Turkana University College to mark five days of the beginning of March in their annual calendar to celebrate their diverse cultures. The CEC spoke when he attended Turkana University College cultural festival at the university grounds during the weekend. The theme for the festival was ‘’ to foster cohesion and unity through diverse cultural heritage’’.
Others who spoke were Mr. James Ekalale (Governor’s advisor on health), Madam Leah Losiru (Principal Bishop Mahon TTC), Prof. George Muthaa (Ag Deputy Principal, Administration, Finance and Planning), Dr. Henry Ongori (Ag Registrar Administration) Mr. Paul Odongo (Ag. Registrar academic affairs). The event ended on 5th March, 2022 with the crowning of Mr and Miss Turkana University College.