Registration and Orientation of new students 2022
Turkana University College welcomed its new students for the 2022/2023 Academic Year on 5th September 2022. The registration that was spread to 6th September saw the three Schools of TUC registering a good number of students placed by KUCCPS and the self-sponsored ones.
The students were later taken through orientation process as indicated below:
- 7th September, 2022- Address by the Dean of Students, respective Deans of Schools and Chairpersons of Departments
- 8th September, 2022- Address by Directors, Registrar Administration, Registrar Academic Affairs, Deputy Principal Academic and Student Affairs and the Deputy Principal, Administration, Finance and Planning
- 9th September, 2022- The students were addressed by the Principal. CLICK HERE FOR PRINCIPAL'S ADDRESS TO FIRST YEARS
- 10th September, 2022- The students had an excursion where they took a tour of Lodwar and its environs
- 11th September, 2022- The Students had interdenominational prayers held within the University College
- 12th September, 2022- Library Orientation