Student Reporting and Orientation of the 2023/2024 Academic Year
The admission, reporting and registration process for 2023/2024 first-year students of Turkana University College began on Monday, September 4, 2023 and ended on Friday, September 8, 2023. This process was spearheaded by the office of the Registrar, Academic Affairs, led by Mr. Paul Odongo and a team of staff and continuing students.
Following the registration process, first-year students underwent an orientation exercise, which started on Monday, September 11, 2023. Students received information and guidance from various university officials, including the Principal, Deputy Principal, Registrars, Deans, Directors, and heads of various sections.
The main aim of the orientation was to familiarize students with the institution and its members of staff. Furthermore, students were informed about the procedures and timelines for inter-faculty and inter-program transfers, providing them with an understanding of their options for future academic adjustments.
The students had the privilege to meet and interact with the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Kenya, H.E. Zhou Pingjian when he visited Turkana University College on September 13, 2023. The ambassador gave an overview of the history of China and answered the students’ questions in a forum aptly dubbed: Ask the Ambassador.
The orientation activities concluded on September 14, 2023, with an address by the Principal, Prof. George N. Chemining’wa. In his speech, he welcomed all the newly admitted students to the university college and extended his best wishes in their academic endeavors. He urged them to avoid behaviour and habits that would endanger and compromise their studies and well-being.
Prof. Chemining’wa implored the students to leave a legacy for the generations of students to come by planting and nurturing trees. In doing this, he noted, the students would be contributing to the Government’s programme of “Jaza Miti” which aims at planting 15 billion trees by 2032.
The Principal also addressed the New Funding Model concerns, assuring the public that the institution was admitting KUCCPS placed/Government Sponsored Students without requiring them to pay any tuition fees. He noted that students will only be asked to pay, where applicable, after the Higher Education Fund (comprising the Universities Fund and HELB) has finalized the categorization of students based on their level of need.