Turkana University College was greatly honored by His. Excellency President Dr. William Ruto visit to its exhibition stand on Thursday, October 12, 2023. This was during the annual Turkana Cultural Event named “Tobong’u lore” which means “welcome back home”. During the visit the president was accompanied by the County leadership lead by His. Excellency the Governor of Turkana County, Hon. Lomorukai, Jeremiah Ekamais and other leaders.
Chairman of TUC Council Dr. Salim Ndemo and the Deputy Principal, Administration Finance and Planning FA Prof. George Mungiria Muthaa receiving the president and his delegation
The delegation was received at the Turkana University College stand by the University leadership lead by the Chairman of Council Dr. Salim Ndemo and the Deputy Principal, Administration Finance and Planning FA Prof. George Mungiria Muthaa in the company of both Staff and Students. The Deputy Principal appreciated the President for inaugurating the University College in 2017 and highlighted on the milestones achieved in its endeavor to realizing its vision of “becoming a Globally Esteemed University in Teaching Research and Outreach” in line with its motto the “Cradle of Knowledge”.
In his remarks to the excited audience, the president communicated that he will be coming back to the University for the Charter Award. He assured the University College leadership that there was sufficient engagement with the Turkana County Leadership on the issue of Charter which will be actualized soon.
Turkana University College Fraternity would wish to express our sincere appreciation to His Excellency the President Dr. William Ruto in his endeavor to serve the Country. We also extend our special regards to the County Leadership lead by is His Excellency the Governor, Hon. Lomorukai Ekamais, the political leadership and all other stakeholders.
The University College is committed to working with all its stakeholders to achieve its vision and mission.