Turkana University College organized training on the ERP System which was held at KEFRI, Lodwar, from 13th February 2023 to 17th February 2023. The training was conducted by Optimum Computer System Limited. It focused on student’s admissions, exam processing, procurement and finance among others.
The event was officially opened by the University College Principal Prof. George Chemining’wa. Speaking during the training, the Principal emphasized on the need to have University processes digitized for the smooth running of operations in the institution.
Participants in the training included: Prof. George Muthaa, Deputy Principal (AF&P), Prof. Fredrick Kassilly, Deputy Principal (A&SA) and Dr. Henry Ongori, Acting. Registrar Administration, Deans, Directors, Heads of Departments among other staff.
It is expected that the training will facilitate the full implementation of the ERP system in the University operations. The leverage on technology will enhance efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. Members of University staff and students are encouraged to embrace technology in all their endeavors within and outside of the university premises.