Turkana University College held a successful inaugural retreat for the academic staff at Eliye Springs, Napak Camp on Saturday 18th September, 2021. This provided a great opportunity to interact and reflect on the transformation agenda of the University College. In addition.it aided team building among staff which is a core value for the institution.
In his remarks, the Ag. Deputy Principal in charge of Administration, Finance and Planning, Prof. George Muthaa, appreciated the Principal for his stewardship and team spirit. He took the team through the strategic plan 2021/2025 with emphasis on the Vision, Mission, Motto, Slogan, Core Values and the six strategic issues. He emphasized on teamwork so that TUC is able to achieve its goals. He applauded the team spirit witnessed during the admission and orientation of first year students. He requested the Principal that the retreat becomes an annual event for team building after every admission and orientation of first years. He encouraged the staff to observe decorum and desist from engaging on social media conversations that undermine team spirit.
In his communication, the Ag. Deputy Principal in charge of Academics and Students Affairs, Prof. Clifford Machogu, encouraged staff to deliver quality education, engage in research and outreach. He observed that the University College should deliver services beyond the expectation of its customers. He thanked members for attending the function in big numbers and emphasized the need to build a compelling vision among all staff which could be achieved through such team building activities.
In his remarks, the Ag. Principal reminded the academic staff that the core mandate of the University was in teaching, research and outreach hence they were at the centre of its operations. He appreciated members for supporting him to settle in TUC and for their continued support as the University College works towards achieving its own Charter. He encouraged members to work towards accomplishing their PhDs so as enhance their capacities and careers. He noticed that most of the members were still young in the profession hence they had high prospects in the young institution. The Principal promised staff that the issues raised will continuously be addressed on priority basis as resources become available.
Members of the academic staff appreciated management for organizing the first and inaugural
retreat for staff. They observed that the future of TUC looked bright in the hands of the new management led by Prof. George N. Chemining’wa. They promised to work diligently and as a team to realize the transformation agenda of the University College.
This follows a similar team building activity for the non-teaching staff held on Saturday 24th July 2021 at the same venue.