Turkana University College Signs an MOU with KASNEB
Turkana University College led by the Principal, Prof. George Chemining’wa, the Deputy Principal (Administration, Finance and Planning), Prof. George Muthaa, Ag. Deputy Principal (Academic and Student affairs), Prof. Clifford Machogu and the Internal Auditor CPA Florence Sila signed an MOU with Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board (KASNEB) on 30th September, 2022 during KASNEB Foundation Award Ceremony at the Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi.
The main purpose of the partnership and collaboration between KASNEB and TUC is to promote knowledge transfer, quality research and innovation within TUC fraternity through case study development, staff and student capacity development, joint research, business development through bidding for international consultancies, and joint efforts in identification of emerging areas in the market for review of existing curriculum. The Parties shall work together on research initiatives geared towards the growth of the KASNEB and TUC brands in the market.
During the ceremony that was hosted by Dr. Nicholas Letting, CEO KASNEB, and graced by the Chairman Board of trustees KASNEB, Dr. Percy Opio, Turkana University College was also awarded an accreditation certificate to be a KASNEB training and examination Centre. This will give TUC students and other students from Turkana County taking KASNEB courses easy time in training and sitting for their exams within Turkana University College.